Your head shot and dance shot are when you register. Please use the information below to prepare your submissions.
Registration is now open.
Please submit your materials to

Head Shot & Dance Shot Requirements
Your head shot should clearly show your face. Your dance shot should be a 1st arabesque on the side of your choice.
You do not need professional photos. This is just for the directors to be able to identify you and see your technique.
Photos are to be submitted as jpeg images, and must be a minimum of 800x800 pixels or 2 MB. No photos larger than 25 MB, please.
Resume Requirements
A proper resume is required as part of the audition process. Here is a sample resume you may use as a guide. You may download this to use as a template if you wish, or you may format your resume as you prefer. This is a professional level resume, so student resumes may be shorter and simpler.
Please note that the directors have specifically requested the information at the top, including age and height
They have also requested that you submit your materials as early as possible. The directors get the materials as they are received by us, so the sooner you submit, the more responsible you look.